
Old males win sex battle

(PhysOrg.com) -- Old roosters can still dominate the sexual pecking order even when their ability to fertilise eggs drastically declines, new Oxford University research has shown.

Pakistan scans Google, other sites for blasphemy

(AP) -- Pakistan will monitor seven major websites, including Google and Yahoo, to block anti-Islamic links and content, an official said Friday. Seventeen lesser-known sites are being blocked outright for alleged blasphemous ...

Robot soccer heroes (w/ Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- University of New South Wales's action androids have made it to the grand final of the world's biggest robot soccer competition - only to be knocked out by a team from Germany.

Science uncovers the hidden secrets of world-famous paintings

(PhysOrg.com) -- The hidden secrets of some of the world's most famous paintings have been revealed thanks to a partnership between EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) and the UK National Gallery.

Turkey tightens Internet control in YouTube feud

(AP) -- Furious over Internet insults of the country's beloved founder, Turkey has gone on the offensive against Google, tightening a ban on YouTube and cutting public access to a host of Google-owned sites.

Apple tells iPhone 4 owners to get a grip (Update)

Apple wants owners of its latest generation iPhone to get a proper grip on the handset. As analysts on Friday fired off predictions that opening day iPhone 4 sales would easily top a million, Apple dismissed complaints that ...

Paws for thought: Oscar the bionic cat

A cat whose back legs were chopped off in a farming accident has been given a new bionic pair, in a ground-breaking feline first in Britain.

Tropical biodiversity is about the neighbors

Home to jaguars, harpy eagles and red-eyed tree frogs, tropical forests support some of the rarest species on the planet and are the most biodiverse ecosystems on land. Understanding why some species are common while others ...

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