
ARTEMIS spacecraft prepare for lunar orbit

(PhysOrg.com) -- They've almost arrived. It took one and a half years, over 90 orbit maneuvers, and – wonderfully – many gravitational boosts and only the barest bit of fuel to move two spacecraft from their orbit ...

Pollinators make critical contribution to healthy diets

Fruits and vegetables that provide the highest levels of vitamins and minerals to the human diet globally depend heavily on bees and other pollinating animals, according to a new study published in the international online ...

Singapore scientists discover how to control fate of stem cells

Scientists from the Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS), an institute of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), in collaboration with the Cancer Science Institute of Singapore (CSI), have discovered how ...

Trails tell tails of how leaf miners conquered Europe

The leaf miner, Cameraria ohridella, still unknown three decades ago, has spread throughout the whole of central Europe. The insect made its way north, west and east by truck and rail. Fighting it seems impossible. However, ...

DARPA advances video analysis tools

A massive amount of data from video sensors is collected in theater, and there aren’t enough analysts or time available to review. Reducing the amount of data or the number of sensors isn’t the answer, and there ...

X-ray illumination of supernova ejecta

(PhysOrg.com) -- Supernovae are the explosive deaths of massive stars, cataclysms that disburse into space the chemical elements produced by nuclear reactions inside the progenitor stars. Understanding chemical enrichment ...

STM of individual grains in CVD-grown graphene

Users from Purdue University, working collaboratively with staff in the CNM Electronic & Magnetic Materials & Devices Group, studied CVD-grown graphene on polycrystalline copper foil for the first time at the atomic-scale. ...

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