
Study shows teenagers can have a ball without excess

Financial disadvantage does not necessarily lead to pupils' exclusion from American-style high school proms, according research carried out by the Universities of Bath, Stirling and Lancaster.

Three years of the Sun in three minutes

Since the Solar Dynamics Observatory opened its multi-spectral eyes in space about three years ago, we've posted numerous videos and images from the mission, showing incredible views of our dynamic Sun. Scott Wiessinger from ...

Ticking along

It may be slighter later than expected but spring finally seems to be upon us. Unfortunately, this also means the start of the tick season, both for humans and for their pets. But when exactly is the risk of dogs' picking ...

Maritime personnel need better training

Hard times for the shipping companies. Some of the blame lies with ships' officers who are failing to put new procedures into practice. Shipping is an industry which demands continuous training and re-certification of its ...

New fatigue model leads to more durable ships

Heikki Remes at the Aalto University School of Engineering, Department of Applied Mechanics, has developed a model making it possible to determine how fatigue sets in with various welded steel materials. The model allows ...

NASA successfully launches three smartphone satellites

Three smartphones destined to become low-cost satellites rode to space Sunday aboard the maiden flight of Orbital Science Corp.'s Antares rocket from NASA's Wallops Island Flight Facility in Virginia.

TomTom says sales fall, turning from navigation market

TomTom, the Dutch maker of vehicle navigation systems, on Tuesday published a 13 percent drop in first quarter sales and said it was diversifying its product line to counter a market now saturated with portable navigation ...

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