
Iran moves websites to avoid cyber attacks

Iran has moved most of its government websites to local hosts to protect them from cyber attacks, the country's deputy communications minister said on Thursday.

China says it opposes EU airline emissions charges

China Thursday joined Washington in opposing a plan by the European Union to impose carbon emissions charges on all airlines in its airspace from January 1, warning it risked sparking a trade war.

Shell deploys ships to clean oil spill off Nigeria

Shell is deploying ships and mobilising planes on Thursday to clean up an oil spill at a major field off Nigeria, the company says, with some 40,000 barrels estimated to have leaked into the sea.

NORAD and satellite technology help Santa deliver

(PhysOrg.com) -- According to the U.S. Department of Commerce Census Bureau, the world's population is approximately 7 billion (6,979,978,073+) people. Santa Claus has had to adapt over the years to having less and less time ...

Applying pressure reaps material rewards

Researchers in Japan have succeeded in growing single crystals of yttrium manganite (YMnO3) using a high-pressure material-growth technique1. Developed by Shintaro Ishiwata and his colleagues from the RIKEN Advanced Science ...

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