
Explaining why pruning encourages plants to thrive

Scientists have shown that the main shoot dominates a plant's growth principally because it was there first, rather than due to its position at the top of the plant.

Superior 3D Graphics for the Web a Step Closer

(PhysOrg.com) -- The development of improved three-dimensional graphics in Web-based applications took a step forward recently, when programmers began building WebGL into the Mozilla Firefox nightly builds, and into WebKit, ...

Taming the vast -- and growing -- digital data-sphere

(PhysOrg.com) -- European researchers are making an impressive effort to link up digital repositories to create a vast network of easy to search online data. The DRIVER project work - one of the largest efforts of its kind ...

SKorea's Hyosung group bids for Hynix: report

A minor business conglomerate in South Korea looks set to buy a major stake in the world's second biggest memory chip maker after becoming the only firm to submit a bid, a report said Tuesday.

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