
Marine reserves hit the spotlight in PNAS special issue

Marine reserves are known to be effective conservation tools when they are placed and designed properly. This week, a special issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) is dedicated to the latest ...

Better snowfall forecasting

University of Utah scientists developed an easier way for meteorologists to predict snowfall amounts and density - fluffy powder or wet cement. The method has been adopted by the National Weather Service for use throughout ...

Motion picture academy honors nerds of filmmaking

(AP) -- Forty-five men you've probably never heard of were honored with an Academy Awards ceremony of their own that recognized scientific and technical achievements in moviemaking.

In rare night landing, space shuttle back on Earth

(AP) -- Space shuttle Endeavour and its six astronauts closed out the last major construction mission at the International Space Station with a smooth landing in darkness that struck many as bittersweet.

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