
Nearing one thousand exoplanets

A quiet milestone in modern astronomy may soon come to pass. As of today, The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia lists a current tally of 998 extrasolar planets across 759 planetary systems. And although various tabulations ...

Celebrating the legacy of ESA's Planck mission

From the tiniest fraction of a second after the Big Bang to the evolution of stars and galaxies over 13.8 billion years, ESA's Planck space telescope has provided new insight into the history of our Universe. Although science ...

Second life for an assembly factor

(Phys.org) —LMU researchers have identified a novel protein that is required for the assembly of photosynthetic reaction centers. Moreover, their findings suggest that it evolved from a pre-existing factor that served a ...

Topological light: Living on the edge

(Phys.org) —Topology—the understanding of how things are connected—remains abstract, even with the popular example of doughnuts and coffee cups. This concept, esoteric as it appears, is also neat because it is the basis ...

Flame repelent furniture manufactured from recycled materials

Fires in urban zones and public transportation are common because flammable material is used in its manufacture; in order to reduce this problematic, the Center for Applied Innovation and Competitive Technologies (CIATEC) ...

Potential of straw for the energy mix has been underestimated

Straw from agriculture could play an important role in the future energy mix for Germany. Up until now it has been underutilised as a biomass residue and waste material. These were the conclusions of a study conducted by ...

Deep-sea dive discoveries

A research team recommending that greater conservation measures be applied to two rare, dense coral garden communities that it discovered in the Gulf of Maine has three University of Maine connections.

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