
Bigelow laboratory scientists doach to study marine microbes

In a paper published this month in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Dr. Ramunas Stepanauskas and Dr. Michael Sieracki have proven a new method of identifying genetic codes of ocean microbes from a single ...

Geographer designs computer model to predict crowd behavior

Patterns of human behavior and movement in crowded cities – the tipping point at which agitated crowds become anti-social mobs, the configuration of civic areas as defensible spaces that also promote free speech, the design ...

A mighty number falls

Mathematicians and number buffs have their records. And today, an international team has broken a long-standing one in an impressive feat of calculation.

IBM Unleashes World's Fastest Chip in Powerful New Computer

IBM today simultaneously launched the fastest microprocessor ever built and an ultra-powerful new computer server that leverages the chip’s many breakthroughs in energy conservation and virtualization technology. The new ...

Archeologists find late 1500s shipwreck

Archeologists in Britain have revealed the findings from a shipwrecked Tudor warship believed to have sunk around the year 1592.

Nanomedicine opens the way for nerve cell regeneration

The ability to regenerate nerve cells in the body could reduce the effects of trauma and disease in a dramatic way. In two presentations at the NSTI Nanotech 2007 Conference, researchers describe the use of nanotechnology ...

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