
BlackBerry posts 3Q loss of $4.4B (Update)

BlackBerry reported a massive $4.4 billion loss in the third quarter and a 56 percent drop in revenue in its first quarterly report under new chairman and chief executive John Chen.

Researchers develop new model to assess fish passage

Fishes, such as salmon, who must swim upstream to their birthplace to spawn are often impeded by obstacles like dams and roads that crisscross rivers and streams. A team of researchers from the University of Georgia and the ...

Supercomputers capture turbulence in the solar wind

As inhabitants of Earth, our lives are dominated by weather. Not just in the form of rain and snow from atmospheric clouds, but also a sea of charged particles and magnetic fields generated by a star sitting 93 million miles ...

An earthquake or a snow avalanche has its own shape

Predicting earthquakes or snow avalanches is difficult, but to for instance reduce the related risks it is of high importance to know if an avalanche event is big or small. Researchers from Aalto University in Finland have, ...

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