
SKorean students ditch paper for digital books

Outside the classroom a hot summer day beckons, but fourth-grade teacher Yeon Eun-jung's students are glued to their tablet PCs as they watch an animated boy and a girl squabble about whether water becomes heavier when frozen.

'Friends with benefits' lets couples get close but not too close

An expert on sexuality among young people says a “friends with benefits” situation can provide some healthy outlets for sexual needs and desires, but can also be a very difficult relationship to navigate. Rebecca ...

Massive enzyme footballs control sugar metabolism

Neutrons have shown how massive enzyme complexes inside cells might determine whether sugar is burnt for energy or stored as fat. These findings will improve understanding of diabetes and a range of metabolic diseases.

Twisted tale of our galaxy's ring

(PhysOrg.com) -- New observations from the Herschel Space Observatory show a bizarre, twisted ring of dense gas at the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Only a few portions of the ring, which stretches across more than 600 ...

New discovery places turtles next to lizards on family tree

(PhysOrg.com) -- Where do turtles belong on the evolutionary tree? For decades, the mystery has proven as tough to crack as the creatures' shells. With their body armor and retractable heads, turtles are such unique creatures ...

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