
E. coli offers insight to evolution

(PhysOrg.com) -- Evolutionary biologist Richard Lenski occasionally thinks of his 12 original flasks of E. coli as the experiment that keeps on giving.

Father's Day, Mother's Day. How about Co-Parents Day?

(PhysOrg.com) -- Fathers stumbling through child-rearing are a familiar sitcom theme. But a growing body of research at the University of California, Berkeley, is challenging the perception that dads are goofy, uncaring or ...

Europe looks into helicopter commuting

A European research program is studying the feasibility of a new kind of individual transport that avoids traffic jams by taking to the skies. Two laboratories at EPFL participate in this project.

Augmented reality in an iPhone app

Imagine you’re in a museum, and you can point your iPhone camera to a painting or an object in an exhibit and instantly get additional information about what you’re looking at. This is what PixLive, an iPhone app ...

ATV preparing for fiery destruction

ATV Johannes Kepler has been an important part of the International Space Station since February. Next week, it will complete its mission by undocking and burning up harmlessly in the atmosphere high over an uninhabited area ...

Bioarchaeologist's work helps identify origins of a people

(PhysOrg.com) -- In a sense, Christopher Stojanowski “reads” bones to understand the past and its peoples. The Arizona State University bioarchaeologist, who specializes in dental anthropology, can glean information ...

Kepler update to focus on flight segment performances

(PhysOrg.com) -- At the May 23 press event, held at the 218th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Boston, the Kepler team provided a progress report on the mission. How is Kepler performing while trailing Earth ...

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