
Researchers apply fatigue model to fatal commuter air crash

Washington State University sleep researchers have determined that the air traffic controller in the crash of a Lexington, Ky., commuter flight was substantially fatigued when he failed to detect that the plane was on the ...

Identifying factors in atrazine's reduced weed control

Invasive broadleaf weeds can destroy corn crops and fallow fields. Farmers use the chemical atrazine in herbicides to protect their plants. Despite atrazine's controversial environmental impacts, it can provide long term ...

Thwarting attacks on cell phone mesh networks

A Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) or cell phone mesh network uses software to transparently hook together numerous active cell phones in a location to provide greater bandwidth and better network connections by allowing users ...

Number of working women increased due to appliance ownership

Even in the decade before the term “women’s lib” was a common phrase, the number of married women entering the workforce increased dramatically – thanks largely to washers, dryers and freezers, according ...

Corals and humans have much in common, researchers find

(PhysOrg.com) -- An international team of Australian and Israeli coral geneticists, including scientists from University of Queensland, has found that corals, among the simplest of Earth's creatures, have some curiously human-like ...

New device may revolutionize computer memory

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a new device that represents a significant advance for computer memory, making large-scale "server farms" more energy efficient and allowing ...

Strategies developed for more efficient beef cattle production

(PhysOrg.com) -- Reducing the amount of feed given to young female cows called heifers can result in more efficient use of nutrients for growth and reproduction, according to studies conducted by U.S. Department of Agriculture ...

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