
Image: Pinwheel of star birth

Though the universe is chock full of spiral-shaped galaxies, no two look exactly the same. This face-on spiral galaxy, called NGC 3982, is striking for its rich tapestry of star birth, along with its winding arms.

Elephant seals improve maps of Antarctic seafloor

(PhysOrg.com) -- Oceanographers are using data collected by elephant seals to improve their map of the seafloor on Antarctica's continental shelf. The new map results from a collaboration between Daniel Costa, a professor ...

Wild ideas take flight on cutting edge of clean tech

Spray-on solar panels, power beaming down from outer space and gasoline-like fuel made from bacteria. Sound far-fetched? Maybe, but these and other futuristic concepts for producing power are being taken seriously in scientific, ...

Canadian report says Google breached privacy laws

Google contravened privacy laws when it inadvertently collected personal information from unsecured wireless networks as it mapped Canadian streets, Canada's privacy czar announced Tuesday.

Coming soon: Manufacturing with every atom in its proper place

The long-held dream of creating atomically precise three-dimensional structures in a manufacturing environment is approaching reality, according to the top scientist at a company making tools aimed at that ambitious goal.

Bacteria gauge cold with molecular measuring stick

Some bacteria react to the cold by subtly changing the chemistry of their outer wall so that it remains pliable as temperatures drop. Scientists identified a key protein in this response mechanism a few years ago, but the ...

Conserving resources: Producing circuit boards with plasma

There is a large growth market for flexible circuits, RFID antennas and biosensors on films. Researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST are presenting a new technology at K 2010, ...

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