
Soil samples reveal urban mercury footprints

Indianapolis, St. Louis, Detroit, Buffalo, Richmond and Providence – cities scattered across the eastern half of the United States – have something in common, all have coal-fired power plants. A new study from the ...

Free tool kit to assist big-data scientists

Two years ago, during a cyberinfrastructure meeting convened by the U.S. National Science Foundation, principal investigators from across the country found their scientific concerns begin to converge.

Weather conditions could results in cattle heat stress

Cattle producers should be aware that forecasted weather conditions could result in significant heat stress issues in cattle. The US Meat Animal Research Center predicts danger or emergency conditions through most of South ...

Scientists discover 10 new planets

A total of 10 new planets have been unearthed by an international team of scientists, and one of these is orbiting a star just a few tens of millions years old.

Antibacterial stainless steel created

Materials scientists at the University of Birmingham have devised a way of making stainless steel surfaces resistant to bacteria in a project funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council which culminated ...

Farming and the fate of wild nature

Farming is the greatest extinction threat to birds, mammals, plants and insects, and widespread land clearing, irrigation and chemical treatments have profoundly affected wild species and habitats the world over. But why ...

SLAC X-rays help discover new drug against melanoma

It was front page news around the world: a drug designed to disrupt malignant melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, was so successful in its latest round of testing in humans that the tests were halted – like ...

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