
Sailing official wants Rio water pollution tests

Sailing's governing body may conduct independent water-quality tests in Rio de Janeiro's polluted Guanabara Bay, the sailing venue for the 2016 Olympics and the site of Rio's first test event in 2½ months.

A design guide for future graphene chips

Swiss scientists have come up with a "how-to manual" for making the most efficient optical graphene circuits possible. The procedure facilitates and accelerates technological development in this future field. The research ...

Meeting the global need for clean cook stoves

At some point, everyone's ancestors depended on a three-stone fire. It's exactly what the name suggests: three stones of roughly the same size that hold cookware over an open flame.

A tipping point for lignin

(Phys.org) —Led by Art Ragauskas, the newly appointed Oak Ridge National Laboratory-University of Tennessee Governor's Chair in Biorefining, a multi-institutional team of researchers offers a new view of an organic polymer ...

Algal genes may boost efficiency, yield in staple crops

(Phys.org) —As humanity faces more mouths to feed thanks to a swelling global population, new research has taken a step toward employing genes from blue-green algae to improve staple crop photosynthesis – a potential ...

Enabling cutting edge future internet research

The problem with visionary research is that it often does not see the light of day. Facilities are often simply not available, or the experts needed to put scientific theories to the test cannot be found. This is true for ...

Team visualizes complex electronic state

A material called sodium manganese dioxide has shown promise for use in electrodes in rechargeable batteries. Now a team of researchers has produced the first detailed visualization—down to the level of individual atoms—of ...

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