
How flick knife thumbs help Japan's rare fighting frogs

Combat-ready spikes which shoot from fingers sounds like the weaponry of a comic book hero, but a Japanese scientist has found exactly this in a rare breed of frog. The discovery, which is published in the Journal of Zoology, ...

500 scientists create top 10 list of plant-damaging fungi

Almost 500 international experts have worked together to develop a ranking system of the ten most important phytopathogenic fungi on a scientific and economic level. The rice blast fungus (Magnaporthe oryzae) sits at the ...

US debate fury echoes across social media

As Barack Obama and Mitt Romney traded barbs in their cantankerous second presidential debate even harsher volleys were being hurled online.

Anthrax can grow and reproduce in soil, researchers find

(Phys.org)—Anthrax has the unexpected ability to grow and reproduce while lurking in soil – increasing the deadly bacteria's chances to infect cattle and other mammals, researchers at the University of Virginia School ...

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