
New research could offer better cell reception at lower cost

(Phys.org)—Have you ever been in the middle of an important phone call when suddenly the line goes dead for no apparent reason? Dropped cell phone calls are irritating and far too common. Researchers at Arizona State University ...

Asteroid Toutatis slowly tumbles by earth

(Phys.org)—Scientists working with NASA's 230-foot-wide (70-meter) Deep Space Network antenna at Goldstone, Calif., have generated a series of radar data images of a three-mile-long (4.8-kilometer) asteroid that made its ...

Image: Data from Venus

On Dec. 14, 1962, NASA's Mariner 2 spacecraft sailed close to the shrouded planet Venus, marking the first time any spacecraft had ever successfully made a close-up study of another planet. It flew by Venus as planned at ...

Nano oscillators synchronized by light

(Phys.org)—Synchronization phenomena are everywhere in the physical world—from circadian rhythms to side-by-side pendulum clocks coupled mechanically through vibrations in the wall. Researchers have now demonstrated synchronization ...

3Qs: Benefit corporations raise new questions on business, civics

Sev­eral states across the nation have con­sid­ered or approved the cre­ation of a "ben­efit cor­po­ra­tion," a class of cor­po­ra­tion that gives spe­cial status to com­pa­nies like King Arthur Flour, ensuring ...

Scientists use fossils to discover the ancient equator

(Phys.org)—Researchers at Western University have discovered where the equator was "precisely located" 450 million years ago, which is an important breakthrough for paleontologists and planetary scientists, as well as private ...

Plutonium at 150 years

Planning the future needs of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile as well as the nuclear weapons complex depends in part on maintaining confidence in the long-term stability of the pit, or core, of plutonium-239 residing inside ...

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