
Self-charging battery both generates and stores energy

(Phys.org) -- Renewable energy technologies generally consist of two distinct processes: energy generation (using sources such as coal, solar, wind, etc.) and energy storage (such as batteries). These two processes are always ...

'Mighty Eagle' robotic lander finds its target

NASA's "Mighty Eagle" successfully found its target during a 32-second free flight Aug. 16 at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. This small, versatile robotic lander prototype demonstrates technologies ...

Experiments probe megavirus in high resolution

(Phys.org) -- Sandwiched among the many lengthy technical titles for experiments conducted at SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source X-ray laser, one stood out for its two-word simplicity, spelled out in all caps: "GIANT VIRUSES."

Real to reel: Ancient Greece and Rome in the movies

Was "Spartacus" an anti-fascist polemic? Does "Agora" demonstrate the horrors of anti-science religious zealotry? Did the Trojans really dress only in blue and white outfits? Quiz: Sophia Loren and Elizabeth Taylor in un-credited ...

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