
Net neutrality balancing act

Researchers in Italy, writing in the International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management have demonstrated that net neutrality benefits content creator and consumers without compromising provider innovation nor profits.

India's ancient mammals survived multiple pressures

Most of the mammals that lived in India 200,000 years ago still roam the subcontinent today, in spite of two ice ages, a volcanic super-eruption and the arrival of people, a study reveals.

Bringing history and the future to life with augmented reality

Have you ever wished you had a virtual time machine that could show you how your street looked last century? Or have you wanted to see how your new furniture might look, before you've even bought it? Thanks to VENTURI, an ...

Researcher launches successful tech start-up to help the blind

Michael Rosen has produced research related to people with disabilities for the past four decades, the last ten as an associate professor in the School of Engineering. It wasn't until he co-founded Engineering to Assist and ...

Can new understanding avert tragedy?

As a boy growing up in Syracuse, NY, Sol Hsiang ran an experiment for a school project testing whether plants grow better sprinkled with water vs orange juice. Today, 20 years later, he applies complex statistical strategies ...

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