
Police bust online narcotics 'Farmers Market'

US authorities announced the bust of an online narcotics "Farmers Market" where people around the globe could buy LSD, ecstasy and other illicit substances.

Oracle skewers Google as Android trial opens

Oracle began Monday trying to convince a jury that Google's top executives have long known that they stole a key piece of technology to build the Android software that now powers more than more than 300 million smartphones ...

Hot new manufacturing tool: A temperature-controlled microbe

Many manufacturing processes rely on microorganisms to perform tricky chemical transformations or make substances from simple starting materials. The authors of a study appearing in mBio, the online open-access journal of ...

Same-ethnicity mentors boost students' commitment to STEM careers

Youths from African American, Native American, and Latino backgrounds are underrepresented in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (known as STEM subjects). Although having a mentor of the same ethnicity ...

In Cambodia, any preschool found better than none

We know that children who attend formal preschool programs in industrialized nations benefit in many ways. But what about the impact of similar programs in developing countries? A new longitudinal study carried out in Cambodia ...

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