
Cambridge researchers learn lessons from recent storm surge

(Phys.org) —The wet and windy weather that has battered Britain's coasts this winter has brought misery to many, but for researchers at the University at Cambridge the storm damage is providing vital data that could help ...

Hubble and Galaxy Zoo find bars and baby galaxies don't mix

(Phys.org) —Harnessing the power of both the Hubble Space Telescope and the citizen science project Galaxy Zoo, scientists from the University of Portsmouth have found that bar-shaped features in spiral galaxies accelerate ...

Does religion turn weak groups violent?

(Phys.org) —Although David was famously successful at slaying Goliath, most people wisely avoid picking fights with more-powerful opponents.

NSA phone data control may come to end

A senior administration official says President Barack Obama will call for stripping the National Security Agency's ability to store phone data from millions of Americans.

Facebook memes can evolve like genes

(Phys.org) —What started as a politically liberal Facebook meme in support of health care reform morphed as it spread across the social network into hundreds of thousands of variations—some just a few words from the original, ...

Urging women in physics to stay in physics

UC Berkeley graduate student Katayun Kamdin's experience as an undergraduate physics major at the University of Chicago was like that of many women who enter a field traditionally dominated by men.

Video: Mice can inherit learned sensitivity to smell

Trauma can scar people so indelibly that their children are affected. History provides examples of generations traumatized by war and starvation whose children experience altered physiology. Emory University researchers Kerry ...

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