
Waves and the perception power of seals

If you ever thought that murky waters would stop seals in their (hunting) tracks, think again. Harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) extend their vibration-sensitive whiskers to find food when their vision is obstructed. But can ...

How do honeybees control their flight speed to avoid obstacles?

Unlike humans, bees have a dorsal visual field that enables them to avoid obstacles above their heads. Until now, it was not known whether this helped them to control their flight speed. Recent research by French biorobotics ...

Scheduling the unknown

How can the exploration of a Canadian lake, using deep-water submersibles, help NASA plan for the human exploration of Mars?

Cancer on the breath? The nose knows

A breath test for "sniffing out" cancer in a person's breath is a step closer to reality, according to a study recently published in the British Journal of Cancer. The study results show that the device developed by Prof. ...

The Chandra Carina complex project

(PhysOrg.com) -- The Great Nebula in the constellation of Carina is a massive star-forming complex located about 7.5 thousand light-years away. The main star in the complex, Eta Carinae, shines brightly in the southern sky. ...

RIM recalling 1,000 PlayBook tablets

Blackberry maker Research In Motion (RIM) said Monday it is recalling around 1,000 PlayBook tablet computers because of an operating system issue.

J-2X test series proves part integrity

Engineers at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center gave a key component of the J-2X engine a brisk workout to ensure it can withstand its extreme operating environment. The engine's fuel turbopump first stage nozzle passed ...

Social media lawsuits are multiplying

(PhysOrg.com) -- Defamation is becoming a huge issue on social media sites as lawsuits for this particular offence are rising dramatically. In Canada and the US, 15 percent of all Web 2.0 rulings were on defamation cases. ...

Exploring space

(PhysOrg.com) -- One of the most powerful and ambitious astronomical satellites designed to provide the best view yet of the Universe at far-infrared and sub-millimeter wavelengths is living up to its illustrious name, according ...

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