
Image: Rosetta's Philae lander snaps a selfie

Philae is awake… and taking pictures! This image, acquired last night with the lander's CIVA (Comet nucleus Infrared and Visible Analyzer) instrument, shows the left and right solar panels of ESA's well-traveled Rosetta ...

Scientists come up with method of reducing solar panel glare

The glare from solar farms could be a thing of the past, thanks to scientists at Loughborough University. Researchers have developed a multi-layer anti-reflection (AR) coating for glass surfaces, which reduces the sun's reflection ...

New sensor improves the level of efficiency in detecting ozone

Researchers from the Universitat Jaume I in Castelló, the São Paulo State University in Brasil and the Aix-Marseille University in France have developed a more effective ozone sensor than the ones used so far. The new sensor ...

Physicists create new nanoparticle for cancer therapy

A University of Texas at Arlington physicist working to create a luminescent nanoparticle to use in security-related radiation detection may have instead happened upon an advance in photodynamic cancer therapy.

Breakthrough points to new drugs from nature

Researchers at Griffith University's Eskitis Institute have developed a new technique for discovering natural compounds which could form the basis of novel therapeutic drugs.

Uncertainty about sea levels to last 10 more years, experts say

A new study published in the international journal Nature Communications has revealed how Western Australia's sea levels will rise into the next century, according to a team of researchers including UWA's Research Assistant ...

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