
'We need to see ahead'

U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano emphasized the importance of science and technology research as a means of keeping the nation safe in an address at MIT on Monday, while outlining a series of ways the ...

Could there be more than lunch lurking on your retainer?

Insufficient cleaning could allow build-up of microbes on orthodontic retainers, researchers at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute have found. Dr Jonathan Pratten and colleagues looked at the types of microbes which live on ...

Maquipucuna cloud forest in Ecuador yields new species of yeast

In a unique collaboration between scientists from the UK, Ecuador and Réunion, a new species of yeast has been discovered growing on the fruit of an unidentified and innocuous bramble collected from the biodiversity-rich ...

Zoo researchers provide African sanctuaries road map

Every year throughout Africa, primate rescue centers are flooded with chimpanzee orphans, primarily victims of the bushmeat trade. When adults are killed for meat the surviving infants are often offered for sale as pets, ...

Japan quake may have shortened Earth days, moved axis

(PhysOrg.com) -- The March 11, magnitude 9.0 earthquake in Japan may have shortened the length of each Earth day and shifted its axis. But don't worry-you won't notice the difference.

Epson Toyocom halves the size, consumption of new SAW Oscillators

Epson Toyocom Corporation, a leader in crystal devices, today announced the development of a new series of differential-output SAW oscillators that offer both excellent stability and high-frequency oscillation, from 100 MHz ...

Economics professor embarks on auto industry study

The recent recession and global competition has taken a toll on the U.S. auto industry. Researchers at the Case Western Reserve University Weatherhead School of Management have begun a study of the nation's auto supply chain ...

Using light to build nanoparticles into superstructures

Scientists in the Center for Nanoscale Materials and Argonne's Biosciences Division have demonstrated a remarkably simple, elegant, and cost-effective way of assembling nanoparticles into larger structures of any desired ...

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