
Smarter video searching and indexing

A new framework being created by a PhD student and academics from the University of Lincoln, UK, will enable people to search for videos on the internet, using images rather than text.

Geneticist breeds new hope for chickpeas

Eric von Wettberg, professor in the FIU Department of Biological Sciences, has received a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to study the effects of domestication on wild chickpea genes.

Recipe for food sovereignty

The actors of the food supply chain need to adapt their practice to ensure both safe and sustainable production while retaining their say on food sovereignty

Adhesion at 180,000 frames per second

Adhesion is an extremely important factor in living nature: insects can climb up walls, plants can twine up them, and cells are able to adhere to surfaces. During evolution, many of them developed mushroom-shaped adhesive ...

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