
Malaria parasite goes bananas before sex: new study

(PhysOrg.com) -- New research from the University of Melbourne shows how the malaria parasite (Plasmodium falciparum) changes into a banana shape before sexual reproduction, a finding that could provide targets for vaccine ...

Are some faculty members really serfs?

Full-time non-tenure track faculty at colleges and universities lack a professional identity and a sense of self worth, according to interviews with these faculty members that formed the basis of a recently published paper ...

Over-regulation of cyberspace risks infringing on human rights

In our quest to shape and regulate cyberspace, we risk subverting the global commons of information we have created, and by extension, the prospects and potential for global democracy, said University of Toronto professor ...

Men are not from Mars, women are not from Venus

Professor Mari Ruti of the Department of English and Drama at the University of Toronto Mississauga has written about love for both academic and mainstream audiences. Her newest book, The Summons of Love, portrays love as ...

Spray-on antenna gets great reception at Google event

(PhysOrg.com) -- A spray-on antenna? The idea is not fantasy but real and tested technology that works. A Utah startup has introduced a spray-on signal booster in a can that promises an improved signal. The company suggests ...

From buskins to brothel-creepers: our love affair with shoes

Tomorrow Cambridge historian Dr Ulinka Rublack will give a public talk that will set footwear at the centre of her argument that in neglecting to explore the history of things we miss a golden opportunity to further our understanding ...

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