
Setting women on the fruitful path to leadership

Women with dependents who want to lead American corporations need mentors more than ever to get there, according to research from the University of Michigan.

Integrating the physical and digital worlds

University of Adelaide computer scientists are investigating the relationships between people and the things around them to advance the development of the 'Internet of Things'.

Soft robotic fish moves like the real thing (w/ video)

Soft robots—which don't just have soft exteriors but are also powered by fluid flowing through flexible channels—have become a sufficiently popular research topic that they now have their own journal, Soft Robotics. In ...

Research demonstrates long reach of phone record surveillance

(Phys.org) —Two computer science graduate students have found that the NSA's mass collection of phone records can yield much more information about people's private lives than the U.S. government claims. New research shows ...

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