
Scientists train honey bees to stick out their tongues

Honey bees are a highly organized, social species, as demonstrated by their complex colonies and the geometric structure of their hives. For hive building, the honey bee strongly relies on its tactile sense, and a new video-article ...

Cassini spots mini Nile River on Saturn moon Titan

(Phys.org)—The international Cassini mission has spotted what appears to be a miniature extraterrestrial version of the Nile River: a river valley on Saturn's moon Titan that stretches more than 400 km from its 'headwaters' ...

Ultra-short laser pulses control chemical processes

Specially shaped laser pulses can be used to change the state of electrons in a molecule. This process only takes several attoseconds—but it can initiate another, much slower process: The splitting of the molecule into ...

Report: E-reader sales plunge as tablets take over

Sales of dedicated e-reading devices like the black-and-white Kindles are in an "alarmingly precipitous decline" this year after five years of rapid growth, research firm IHS iSuppli says.

Social networks grow in global political debate

Social media like Facebook and Twitter have become important elements in political and social discourse in a number of countries, particularly in the Arab world, a survey showed Wednesday.

UN group to pick global emergency number

(AP)—Negotiators at a conference on U.N. telecommunications regulations say they've found one bit of common ground—how to call for help.

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