
Redbox sues 20th Century Fox in DVD dispute

(AP) -- DVD rental kiosk company Redbox said Wednesday it has sued 20th Century Fox over the movie studio's attempts to delay its titles from appearing in Redbox vending machines.

Germany shoots for the moon by 2015: official

An unmanned German mission to the moon is plausible by the middle of the next decade, the official in charge of space flight said on Wednesday, despite the financial crisis battering the country.

Clone ranger sniffs out airport drugs

A cloned sniffer dog has proved itself smarter than the average pup by detecting drugs at South Korea's main airport just weeks after starting service, officials said Wednesday.

The tourist trap: Galapagos victim of its own success

(PhysOrg.com) -- Mosquitoes with the potential to carry diseases lethal to many unique species of Galapagos wildlife are being regularly introduced to the islands via aircraft, according to new research published today.

Anthrax bacteria conspire with viruses to stay alive

(PhysOrg.com) -- The brute force of Bacillus anthracis, the ancient scourge that causes anthrax, can sweep through and overpower a two-ton animal in under 72 hours. But when it isn't busy claiming livestock and humans throughout ...

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