
Study shows anonymous whistle-blowers less likely to be believed

According to a new study, corporate directors, who are ultimately responsible for internal whistle-blowing systems, often do not take action at all regarding anonymous allegations, even when the allegation involves very serious ...

Oldest written document ever found in Jerusalem

A tiny clay fragment - dating from the 14th century B.C.E. - that was found in excavations outside Jerusalem's Old City walls contains the oldest written document ever found in Jerusalem, say researchers at the Hebrew University ...

Surprisingly regular patterns in hurricane energy discovered

Researchers at Mathematics Research Centre and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain) have discovered the mathematical relation between the number of hurricanes produced in certain parts of the planet and the energy they ...

New Research Can Spot Cloud Computing Problems Before They Start

(PhysOrg.com) -- Large-scale computer hosting infrastructures offer a variety of services to computer users, including cloud computing - which offers users access to powerful computers and software applications hosted by ...

Poor Suburbia: Rethinking the geography of American poverty

(PhysOrg.com) -- For decades, suburban living has been synonymous with America’s upper middle class, a stereotype that emerged from the "Leave it to Beaver" era and morphed into today’s gated communities, mega-malls, ...

DNA through graphene nanopores

A team of researchers from Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) announces a new type of nanopore devices that may significantly impact the way we screen DNA molecules, for example to read off their sequence. In ...

Solving the crisis of choice online

In an age of information overload, a team of European researchers are developing technology to solve the “crisis of choice” people face when surfing the web, shopping for products online or watching TV.

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