
Coral's durability to acidification examined

An international team of coral biologists has been examining coral's ability to colonise new substrates and repair damaged reefs as oceans become more acidic.

A new blue-light-emitter for fireworks

Conventional fireworks and signal flares that emit a blue flame utilize toxic chemicals as a source of chlorine. Chemists at LMU have now developed the first chlorine-free formulation that emits blue light upon combustion.

Sun-like stars reveal their ages

(Phys.org) —Defining what makes a star "Sun-like" is as difficult as defining what makes a planet "Earth-like." A solar twin should have a temperature, mass, and spectral type similar to our Sun. We also would expect it ...

Can magnetically levitating trains run at 3,000km/h?

Trains that use magnets to levitate above the tracks might sound like something from Back to the Future, but the concept of magnetic levitation has been around for many years. Maglev trains, which use this technology, were ...

Astrophysicist seeks life on planets outside our solar system

"I call it 'the awakening.' The whole world is waking up to the fact that we're getting close to finding other Earths and signs of life," says Sara Seager, an MIT astrophysicist who is working to find life on planets outside ...

Worldwide contest to name exoplanets and host stars

For the first time, in response to the public's increased interest in being part of discoveries in astronomy, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) is organizing a worldwide contest to give popular names to selected ...

How to uncover the true face of atomic nuclei?

Protons and neutrons are the basic constituents of atomic nuclei. Are they distributed homogeneously, or perhaps in quartets consisting of two protons and two neutrons? Physicists from Poland and Spain have recently presented ...

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