
ESA leads endeavour to save Earth Science data

The amount of information being generated about our planet is increasing at an exponential rate, but it must be easily accessible in order to apply it to the global needs relating to the state of the Earth.

Houston says benzene levels rising

Chemical industry officials deny a claim by public officials that levels of benzene have increased in the Houston region, a published report said Sunday.

Airports may start using T-ray detectors

Security posts at U.S. airports could one day use T-ray detectors instead of X-ray machines to reduce inspection delays, a report said.

NASA ponders future without shuttles

U.S. space officials are concerned NASA will have to rely on other countries to carry astronauts into space after its three space shuttles are retired.

20,000 cranes take rest in Colorado

Thousands of Sandhill Cranes have converged on Colorado's Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge for a stopover before they head north.

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