
Alibaba, Softbank discussing Yahoo! bid: report

China's Alibaba Group and Japan's Softbank are in talks with private equity firms about making an unsolicited bid for Yahoo!, according to the Bloomberg financial news agency.

Blackberry users complain of ongoing email delays

Research In Motion said Wednesday it is investigating reports of Blackberry users still experiencing email woes, after a service outage affected millions of people worldwide last month.

Cisco's latest results show signs of turnaround

(AP) -- Cisco Systems Inc., the world's largest maker of computer networking gear, is showing signs of pulling a turnaround, exceeding analyst sales expectations for the second quarter in a row.

International team to drill beneath massive antarctic ice shelf

(PhysOrg.com) -- An international team of researchers funded by NASA and the National Science Foundation (NSF) will travel next month to one of Antarctica's most active, remote and harsh spots to determine how changes in ...

NASA's new upper stage engine passes major test

(PhysOrg.com) -- NASA conducted a successful 500-second test firing of the J-2X rocket engine on Wednesday, Nov. 9, marking another important step in development of an upper stage for the heavy-lift Space Launch System (SLS). ...

Temperature differences give rise to electricity

More than half of today's energy consumption is squandered in useless waste heat, such as the heat from refrigerators and all sorts of gadgets and the heat from factories and power plants. The energy losses are even greater ...

Supreme Court voting patterns show high predictability

Supreme Court rulings can dramatically shape American policies, but the Court's decisions may actually be quite predictable, according to a new study published in the Nov. 9 issue of the online journal PLoS ONE.

Birds help keep vineyards pest-free

Properly functioning ecosystems have their own pest management system – predation – but as new manmade ecosystems develop, these natural maintenance systems are often disrupted. In some cases, though, installing ...

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