
Origins of multicellularity: All in the family

One of the most pivotal steps in evolution-the transition from unicellular to multicellular organisms-may not have required as much retooling as commonly believed, found a globe-spanning collaboration of scientists led by ...

Fireflies blink in synch to send a uniform message (w/ Video)

For decades, scientists have speculated about why some fireflies exhibit synchronous flashing, in which large groups produce rhythmic, repeated flashes in unison - sometimes lighting up a whole forest at once. Now, the first ...

Instant testing for sore throats wins CIMIT prize

Imagine finding out before you leave the pediatrician's office if your child has strep throat, or even something more serious requiring a different treatment. A novel application for applying DNA "nanobarcodes" in a clinical ...

Luteolin stars in study of healthful plant compounds

Natural compounds in plants may protect us against unwanted inflammation. However, human nutrition researchers agree that many questions remain about exactly how these compounds, known as phytochemicals, do that. Studies ...

La Nina developing, could mean more hurricanes

(AP) -- The climate phenomenon known as La Nina appears to be developing, threatening more bad news in the efforts to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

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