
Egg Cetera #1: The immortal egg

In the first report of our Egg Cetera series on egg-related research, biologists Dr. Harry Leitch and Professor Azim Surani describe how advances in understanding egg development could transform reproductive and regenerative ...

Venus found to have aurora type magnetotails

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers studying the planet Venus have found that despite a lack of a magnetic field, the planet has magnetotails, which on Earth are part of the process known as the Northern and Southern Lights. This, ...

Vomiting caterpillars weigh up costs and benefits of group living

(PhysOrg.com) -- A type of caterpillar which defends itself by regurgitating on its predators is less likely to do so when in groups than when alone, a new study by researchers from the University of Bristol and the University ...

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