Scientists observe 'quasiparticles' in classical systems for the first time

Many solids or liquids are composed of particles interacting with one another at close distances, which sometimes results in the rise of "quasiparticles." Quasiparticles are long-lived excitations that behave effectively as weakly interacting particles. The idea of quasiparticles was introduced by the Soviet physicist Lev Landau in 1941, and ever since has been highly fruitful in quantum matter research. Some examples of quasiparticles include Bogoliubov quasiparticles (i.e. "broken Cooper pairs") in superconductivity, excitons in semiconductors, and phonons.

Examining emergent collective phenomena in terms of quasiparticles provided insight into a wide variety of physical settings, most notably in superconductivity and superfluidity, and recently in the famous example of Dirac quasiparticles in graphene. But so far, the observation and use of quasiparticles have been limited to : in classical condensed matter, the collision rate is typically much too high to allow long-lived particle-like excitations.

However, The standard view that quasiparticles are exclusive to quantum matter has been recently challenged by a group of researchers at the Center for Soft and Living Matter (CSLM) within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), South Korea. They examined a classical system made of microparticles driven by viscous flow in a thin microfluidic channel. As the particles are dragged by the flow, they perturb the streamlines around them, thereby exerting hydrodynamic forces on each other.

Remarkably, the researchers found that these long-range forces make the particles organize in pairs. This is because the hydrodynamic interaction breaks Newton's third law, which states that the forces between two particles must be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. Instead, the forces are 'anti-Newtonian' because they are equal and in the same direction, thus stabilizing the pair.

Flat bands and monkey saddles in hexagonal crystals. Credit: Nature Physics (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41567-022-01893-5

Left: Experimental measurement of colloidal particles driven in a thin microfluidic channel. The particles form stable, hydrodynamically coupled pairs moving at the same velocity (arrows). These pairs are the fundamental quasiparticles of the system. Right: Simulation of a hydrodynamic crystal, showing a quasiparticle pair (leftmost yellow and orange particles) propagating in a hydrodynamic crystal, leaving behind a supersonic Mach cone of excited quasiparticles. Colors denote the magnitude of the pair excitation, and the white background denotes their velocity. Credit: Institute for Basic Science

The spectrum of phonons in a hydrodynamic crystal exhibits Dirac cones, manifesting the generation of quasiparticle pairs. The zoom shows one of the Dirac double cones. Credit: Institute for Basic Science