Unraveling an ancient European extinction mystery: Disappearance of dwarf megafauna on paleolithic Cyprus

Cyprus only had two species of megafauna present during the Late Pleistocene—the 500-kg dwarf elephant (Palaeoloxodon cypriotes), and the 130-kg dwarf hippo (Phanourios minor), but both species disappeared soon after humans arrived around 14,000 years ago.

In examining the reasons behind the of these prehistoric animals, the research found that paleolithic hunter-gatherers on Cyprus could have first driven dwarf hippos, and then dwarf elephants to extinction in less than 1,000 years.

The research—"Small populations of paleolithic humans in Cyprus hunted endemic megafauna to extinction" by Corey Bradshaw, Frédérik Saltré, Stefani Crabtree, Christian Reepmeyer and Theodora Moutsiou—has been published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B. It was led by Flinders University's Professor Corey Bradshaw.

These findings refute previous arguments that suggested the introduction of a small human population on the island could not have caused these extinctions so quickly.

The researchers built mathematical models combining data from various disciplines, including paleontology and archaeology, to show that paleolithic hunter-gatherers on Cyprus are most likely the main cause of the extinction of these species due to their hunting practices.

Professor Bradshaw, with Drs Theodora Moutsiou, Christian Reepmeyer, Frédérik Saltré, and Stefani Crabtree, used data-driven approaches to reveal the impact of rapid human settlement on driving the extinction of species soon after their arrival.

Map of Cyprus showing the approximate position of fossil sites where dwarf elephants and hippos have been retrieved. Credit: Map created by CJA Bradshaw, Flinders University.

Skeleton of a dwarf hippo (Phanourios minor) and artist's reconstruction of the animal displayed at the Akamas Geology and Palaeontology Information Centre in Pano Arodes, western Cyprus. Credit: CJA Bradshaw, Flinders University.

Remains of dwarf elephants (Palaeoloxodon cypriotes), including radius/ulna (1, 2), canines (3, 4), molars (5, 6, 7), rib fragment (14), metacarpal (15), humerus (17), and tibia (18) displayed at the Akamas Geology and Palaeontology Information Centre in Pano Arodes, western Cyprus. Credit: CJA Bradshaw, Flinders University.

Heart of the Troodos Mountains in western Cyprus showing the kinds of forests and terrain occupied by dwarf elephants and hippos in the Late Pleistocene. Credit: CJA Bradshaw, Flinders University.

Limestone caves like the ones here are often where megafauna fossil remains are found. Credit: CJA Bradshaw, Flinders University.