Structural color ink: Printable, non-iridescent and lightweight

An object has color when light of a specific wavelength is reflected. With traditional pigments, this happens by molecules absorbing other colors from white light, but over time this interaction makes the molecules degrade and the color fades.

Structural colors, on the other hand, usually arise when light is reflected from parallel nanostructures set apart at just the right distance so that only light of certain wavelengths will survive while others are canceled out, reflecting only the color we see.

This phenomenon can be seen in wings of butterflies or feathers of peacocks, and has the advantage that the colors don't degrade. But from an industrial point of view, neatly arranged nanostructures cannot be painted or printed easily, and the color depends on the , making the material iridescent.

Kobe University material engineers Fujii Minoru and Sugimoto Hiroshi have been developing an entirely new approach to producing colors.

They explain, "In previous work since 2020, we were the first to achieve precise particle size control and develop of spherical and crystalline silicon nanoparticles. These single silicon nanoparticles scatter light in bright colors by the phenomenon of 'Mie resonance,' which allows us to develop structural color inks."

With Mie resonance, spherical particles of a size comparable to the wavelength of light reflect specific wavelengths particularly strongly. This means that the color that mainly comes back from the suspension can be controlled simply by varying the size of the particles.

A single layer of silicon nanospheres produces bright structural colors that are independent of the viewing angle. The color can be controlled by the diameter of the spheres, where smaller particles are bluer and larger ones redder. Credit: Fujii Minoru

A scanning electron micrograph of the nanosphere monolayer shows almost perfectly round particles of uniform size and only small regions of voids or agglomerates. Credit: Fujii Minoru

The nanospheres in a methanol suspension have different colors than when applied to a surface as a monolayer. Credit: Fujii Minoru