Reshaping-production of helical fibers via HAMS method. (A) Schematic showing the reshaping production of helical fibers. Inset is an as-wrapped fiber on steel rod (scale bar, 1 mm). (B) Three helical PDMSthi fibers fabricated from different as-spun fibers (inner needle: 12, 16, and 24 gauge from top to bottom) and rods (diameter: 4, 2, and 0.5 mm from top to bottom; scale bar, 5 mm). (C) Photographs showing the excellent stretchability of a microscaled helical PDMSthi fiber (inner needle of 27 gauge and rod diameter of 0.5 mm; scale bar, 5 mm). (D and E) Schematics and photographs showing the influences of Tshell, Drod, H, and Deg on the structure of helical PDMSthi fibers (scale bars, 1 mm). (F) Photographs of four helical PDMSthi fibers with distinct fiber diameters and helix diameters (scale bar, 1 mm). (G) Tensile curves, statistical tensile strengths, and elongations at break (dots with SDs), of helical PDMSthi fibers fabricated by using different rods. (H) Tensile curves of the four helical PDMSthi fibers in (F). (I) Schematics showing the potential mechanisms in reshaping helical structures. Science Advances, doi:10.1126/sciadv.adj5407