Top news stories of September 23, 2023

Theoretical study shows that Kerr black holes could amplify new physics

Black holes are regions in space characterized by extremely strong gravity, which prevents all matter and electromagnetic waves from escaping it. These fascinating cosmic bodies have been the focus of countless research studies, yet their intricate physical nuances are yet to be fully uncovered.

Jellyfish shown to learn from past experience for the first time

Jellyfish are more advanced than once thought. A new study from the University of Copenhagen has demonstrated that Caribbean box jellyfish can learn at a much more complex level than ever imagined—despite only having one thousand nerve cells and no centralized brain. The finding changes our fundamental understanding of the brain and could enlighten us about our own mysterious brains.

Why flat-faced dogs seem more cuddly than longer-muzzled dogs

A team of ethologists, natural scientists and psychologists affiliated with several institutions in Hungary has found evidence suggesting that some of the attraction by humans to flat-faced dogs can be tied to their stronger reliance on being helped than other dog breeds. In a study reported in the journal Scientific Reports, the group conducted experiments with two flat-faced breeds, comparing them with non-flat faced breeds, as they engaged in a task.

A possible explanation for an increasing trend in the cyclone Genesis Potential Index in the Arabian Sea

A team of Earth scientists and oceanographers affiliated with several institutions in India, working with a colleague from the U.S., has developed possible explanations for some of the factors involved in the observed increasing trend in the cyclone Genesis Potential Index (GPI) in the Arabian Sea.

Pollen analysis suggests dispersal of modern humans occurred during a major Pleistocene warming spell

It's an Ice Age mystery that's been debated for decades among anthropologists: Exactly when and how did the flow of Homo sapiens in Eurasia happen? Did a cold snap or a warming spell drive early human movement from Africa into Europe and Asia?