Wiring up quantum circuits with light

Progress in superconducting processors advances quickly with a current count in the few hundreds. The advantages of this technology are the fast computing speed and its compatibility with microchip fabrication, but the need for ultra-cold temperatures ultimately confines the processor in size and prevents any physical access once it is cooled down.

A modular quantum computer with multiple separately cooled processor nodes could solve this. However, single —the particles of light that are the native information carriers between within the processors—are not suitable to be sent through a room temperature environment between the processors. The world at room temperature is bustling with heat, which easily disturbs the microwave photons and their fragile quantum properties like entanglement.

Researchers from the Fink group at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), together with collaborators from TU Wien and the Technical University of Munich, demonstrated an important technological step to overcome these challenges. They entangled low-energy microwave with high-energy optical photons for the very first time.

Such an entangled quantum state of two photons is the foundation to wire up superconducting quantum computers via room temperature links. This has implications not only for scaling up existing quantum hardware but it is also needed to realize interconnects to other quantum computing platforms as well as for novel quantum-enhanced remote sensing applications. Their results have been published in the journal Science.

Artistic rendering of the experimental device with the beam optical photons (red) entering and leaving the electro-optic crystal and resonating within its circular portion as well as the generated microwave photons (blue) leaving the device. Credit: Eli Krantz, Krantz NanoArt

They come with a unique variety of properties like entanglement. Entanglement is important for quantum computers because it allows them to do computations in a way that is impossible for non-quantum computers. Credit: Mark Belan/ISTA

The experimental setup with the dilution refrigerator, the superconducting cavity, and the electro-optic crystal splitting and entangling the photons. Credit: Mark Belan/ISTA