A new microscope allows for high-throughput 3D adaptive optical imaging

About one year ago, a research group led by Prof. Choi Wonshik from the Center for Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics (CMSD) within the Institute of Basic Science (IBS) showcased an called "reflection microscopy," which combined the powers of both hardware and computational advanced adaptive optics. In contrast to conventional imaging, it measures a reflection matrix that contains all accessible information about the relationship between the input and output fields of an imaging system, including objects of interest. A clear undistorted image of the object can then be extracted from the measured matrix by post-digital image processing.

As such, the technology emerged as an appropriate candidate for label-free non-invasive high-resolution optical imaging deep inside biological tissues. The matrix imaging certainly outperforms most conventional AOs. For example, the researchers demonstrated that this technology was powerful enough to 'see through' an intact mouse skull and allow for accurate imaging of neurons underneath.

Despite its amazing performance, the reflection matrix microscopy was not without drawbacks. Measuring the entire reflection matrix is time-consuming and vulnerable to external perturbations because a large number of interferometric images for all accessible input illumination fields needs to be measured. While a more sparse sampling can speed up the process, insufficient sampling can lead to the limited capability to correct distortions. Therefore, this means that real-time volumetric imaging of living samples was not possible, which led to practical limitations in its application to biodynamic studies.

[Figure 1] (a) Schematic of compressed time-reversal matrix microscope. Random speckle fields generated by a rotating diffuser sequentially illuminate the sample underneath an aberrating medium, and the reflected speckle fields are measured by an off-axis digital holographic microscope. BS: beam splitter. OL: objective lens. (b) Examples of measured hologram images for speckle fields. (top : intensity, bottom : phase). Credit: DOI: 10.1038/s41377-021-00705-4

[Figure 2] Image reconstruction from a compressed time-reversal matrix. (a) An image distorted by an aberration-inducing medium. (b) An aberration-free image restored from a compressed time-reversal matrix. (c) Point spread functions before aberration correction (left-top) and after aberration correction (left-bottom) and their line profiles (right). Credit: DOI: 10.1038/s41377-021-00705-4

[Figure 3] Image quality versus compression ratio (CR). Restored images (upper row) and aberration maps (lower row) for CR of 50, 10, and 2 percent. Credit: DOI: 10.1038/s41377-021-00705-4

[Figure 4] Aberration-free volumetric image of mouse brain taken by compressed time-reversal matrix microscopy. (a) Imaging configuration. For 3D imaging of a mouse brain, a small number of speckle images are taken while continuously illuminating uncontrolled dynamic speckle patterns and moving the sample stage along the vertical direction. (b) 3D image of the mouse brain reconstructed from a compressed time-reversal matrix. (c) Representative section images before and after aberration correction and corresponding pupil aberration maps. (d) line profiles of a myelinated fiber before and after aberration correction. Credit: DOI: 10.1038/s41377-021-00705-4