Researchers quantify the impact of autonomous vehicles on traffic

Researchers of the UWICORE laboratory, of the Department of Communications Engineering and the I3E Engineering Research Centre of the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche, have proven that the coexistence between autonomous ...

Cutting congestion on the data network highway

Perhaps no other consumer-driven technology has made such incredible advances in such a relatively short space of time as the mobile phone. Today's smartphones are used to stream videos, access social media and perform all ...

New video streaming technology for mobile phones

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a new architecture for better-quality video streaming on mobile phones and across wireless networks. The new architecture is based on utilising information gathered and ...

A boost to your mobile signal

When using your mobile phone, it doesn't take much to lose that precious signal - just turning a corner or riding on a train can be enough. EU-funded research is developing new technologies to eradicate those annoying 'black ...

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