Ocean current comes to the rescue for Pacific island reefs

Marine heatwaves are emerging as a key impact of climate change and pose a particularly significant threat to corals that form the backbone of coral reefs. Researchers have now identified a phenomenon that could help coral ...

Why a half-degree temperature rise is a big deal

The Paris Agreement, which delegates from 196 countries hammered out in December 2015, calls for holding the ongoing rise in global average temperature to "well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels," while "pursuing efforts ...

Continental drift created biologically diverse coral reefs

Nowhere today is the biodiversity of corals and reef-inhabiting fish higher than in the tropical waters around Indonesia and its neighbouring countries in Southeast Asia. "To understand the reason for this diversity, you ...

Scientists sound alarm over ocean acidification

Ocean acidification has risen by a quarter since pre-industrial times as a result of rising carbon emissions, casting a shadow over the seas as a future source of food, scientists warned on Wednesday.

Using artificial intelligence to save coral reefs

Today, on Earth Day 2020, Accenture, Intel and the Sulubaaï Environmental Foundation announced Project: CORaiL, an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered solution to monitor, characterize and analyze coral reef resiliency. ...

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