Building miniature optical antennas using DNA as a guide

An international research collaborative has reported a new, highly parallel technique to fabricate precise metallic nanostructures with designed plasmonic properties by means of self-assembled DNA origami shapes. The so-called ...

Stretchable, transparent graphene-metal nanowire electrode

A hybrid transparent and stretchable electrode could open the new way for flexible displays, solar cells, and even electronic devices fitted on a curvature substrate such as soft eye contact lenses, by the UNIST(Ulsan National ...

New LED packaging technology improves performance

(—Many researchers have reported improvements in LED technology by enhancing the properties of the LED itself. But the packaging that secures and protects the LED also impacts its overall performance. In a new ...

Ions control shape of nanofibers grown on clear substrate

Researchers from North Carolina State University have found a new way to develop straight carbon nanofibers on a transparent substrate. Growing such nanofiber coatings is important for use in novel biomedical research tools, ...