Related topics: poachers ยท rhinos

Africa's last rhinos threatened by poaching

Decades of conservation efforts to save rhinos are coming undone, as surging demand for their horns in Asian traditional medicine has spawned a vast criminal trade powered by poaching.

India plans new sanctuary to boost tiger numbers

India is planning a new tiger sanctuary inside the world's largest mangrove forest after a previously undiscovered group of the endangered beasts was discovered, wildlife officials say.

Rare endangered primate spotted in Vietnam

A new group of critically endangered primates has been spotted in Vietnam, raising hopes the rare creatures may not be wiped out in the next decade as scientists had feared.

Vietnam 'cancer-cure' horn habit threat to world rhinos

For desperate Vietnamese cancer patients ground rhinoceros horn is seen as an elixir of life -- a medically unproven and illegal obsession that threatens the very survival of the world's wild rhinos.

Nine things you don't know about seahorses

Seahorses have long been a popular attraction in public aquariums, but they remain mysterious. They are a fish with a difference in that they swim in an upright, vertical position. They have flexible necks and long, tubular ...

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