Mathematical model explains marital breakups

( -- Most people know love takes work, and effort is needed to sustain a happy relationship over the long term, but now a mathematician in Spain has for the first time explained it mathematically by developing ...

Achieving optimal efficiencies for nanoengines

( -- "There's a lot of recent interest in understanding the functioning and optimal performance of small systems," Katja Lindenberg tells Lindenberg is a scientist in the Department of Chemistry ...

How many zebrafish constitute a school? 'Three,' say physicists

Physicists are also interested in fish—above all when they are researching the formation of structures. A research team from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) and the University of Bristol (United Kingdom) has ...

Open quantum system shows universal behavior

Universal behavior is a central property of phase transitions, which can be seen, for example, in magnets that are no longer magnetic above a certain temperature. A team of researchers from Kaiserslautern, Berlin and Hainan, ...

Researchers design switch-like proteins inspired by transistors

Scientists from the University of Washington have designed custom proteins that can switch between two fully structured conformations. By coupling this molecular motion with a binding event, these proteins serve as biological ...

Breaking bonds: Double-helix unzipping reveals DNA physics

Accurately reconstructing how the parts of a complex molecular are held together knowing only how the molecule distorts and breaks up—this was the challenge taken on by a research team led by SISSA's Cristian Micheletti ...

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