A leap into the continuum

Computing the dynamics of many interacting quantum particles accurately is a daunting task. There is however a promising calculation method for such systems: tensor networks, which are being researched in the theory division ...

Holography and criticality in matchgate tensor networks

Tensor networks take a central role in quantum physics as they can provide an efficient approximation to specific classes of quantum states. The associated graphical language can also easily describe and pictorially reason ...

Capturing the evolution of complex quantum systems

Through a new survey, researchers show how mathematical representations named 'tensor trains' can help to capture and simulate the dynamics of evolving quantum systems across a range of different scenarios.

Neuroscientist explores 'What It's Like to Be a Dog'

Five years ago, Emory neuroscientist Gregory Berns became the first to capture images of actual canine thought processes. To explore the minds of the oldest domesticated species, the Berns lab trained dogs to remain still ...

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