Research explores impacts of abusive supervision

A recent Naveen Jindal School of Management study examined the damaging impact abusive supervision has in the workplace including the ways employees respond with retaliatory behavior, which lowers productivity.

Training intelligent systems to think on their own

( —The computing devices and software programs that enable the technology on which the modern world relies, says Hector Muñoz-Avila, can be likened to adolescents.

Let the sun shine and the plants will follow

Leonardo da Vinci, the Italian Renaissance scientist and artist extraordinaire, in the 15th century was the first to record his observation that some plants appeared to follow the Sun, and he was not the last. How this was ...

Circular argument for a sustainable future

A new online toolkit for manufacturers and retailers has been released to enable users to pinpoint areas in which their businesses could be made both more environmentally sustainable and profitable.

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