Electrons take new shape inside unconventional metal

One of the biggest achievements of quantum physics was recasting our vision of the atom. Out was the early 1900s model of a solar system in miniature, in which electrons looped around a solid nucleus. Instead, quantum physics ...

Study finds nickelate superconductors are intrinsically magnetic

Electrons find each other repulsive. Nothing personal—it's just that their negative charges repel each other. So getting them to pair up and travel together, like they do in superconducting materials, requires a little ...

Unusual superconductivity observed in twisted trilayer graphene

The ability to turn superconductivity off and on with a literal flip of a switch in so-called "magic-angle twisted graphene" has allowed engineers at Caltech to observe an unusual phenomenon that may shed new light on superconductivity ...

Physicists elucidate connection between symmetry and Mott physics

Initially regarded as a scientific curiosity upon its discovery in 1911 by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, superconductivity has provided physicists with numerous theoretical challenges and experimental surprises. From the development ...

New material could be two superconductors in one

MIT physicists and colleagues have demonstrated an exotic form of superconductivity in a new material the team synthesized only about a year ago. Although predicted in the 1960s, until now this type of superconductivity has ...

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